Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bills.com Offers Free Budget Guide

Everyone loves to spend, right. And it's so easy to just whip out that small lil piece of plastic from your wallet and swipe away at every terminal you come across. But then, once the fun of buying is over, and reality sets in, you suddenly realised that you're saddled with lots of bills that you're not able yo pay for at the end of the day. By the time it hits you, most likely you're up to your neck in debt.

What do you do? Run away? Nay... the thing you need to do is to stop spending altogether. Cut those credit cards up for a start. If you must, use cash whenever possible. And start working out a repayment plan that'll enable you to still lead a normal life and yet get out of debt eventually. All these can be done with discipline.

You are respsonsible for your own financial status. And if you resolve to improve your financial picture this year, you can turn to Bills.com's debt freedom guide site. "The key to success in any endeavor is setting attainable goals," said Brad Stroh, co-CEO of Bills.com. "In the financial arena, set specific goals that are meaningful to you, and those resolutions will be easier to achieve."

Bills.com's free consumer guide, "Debt Freedom: You Can Be Debt-Free, Starting Today," is available electronically in PDF format by sending an e-mail message to guide@bills.com or by visiting www.bills.com/guide.

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