Saturday, January 27, 2007

I did the inevitable

I drank coffee this morning. I've heard so much what coffee can do to keep one awake that i decided to try it out for myself. I'm a tea drinker by nature. Hardly touch coffee at all. So, i went into the kitchen and made myself a cup of instant Nescafe black, no sugar.

Till now, i still feel sleepy. What caffeine fix? Got such a thing meh? If there is, how come i can hardly stay awake after drinking? It's quite neat, you know. Dont tell me i made it wrongly. How can i ever go wrong with my coffee black with nothing in it except coffee powder? Bluff!!! YAWWWNNNNNN................


Sweetpea said...

aiseh, u don't drink just one cup and expect miracle leh. difficult to explain. especially when u don't drink coffee at all. for coffee ppl like me hor, everyday must have, we love the aroma, i think, in my terms, that's wat we call 'fix'. addicted, if no caffeine that day, feel one kind only, hence that's why some say we need that 'fix' to keep us going.

cannot work ar? u try 4 little cups of expresso in a shot and then u tell me again how u feel :P

L B said...

Hahahahaha!! Poor thing you!! So pitiful wan!! *gives you a cuddle and a starbucks virtual mug*

Samm said...

sweetpea - aiya, here at home where got espresso. yerrrrrr..... make me wan to rush to the nearest starbucks get a few doses oni

lb - *sips from mug and continue playing the organ*

YY said...

act in tea already have caffeine. Too much of caffeine make the person immune.. like my case, coffee won help to stay up instead it will send me straight to bed