Sunday, December 17, 2006

IBS#2 still sprouting zits at 40

IBS#2 called when we were halfway through lunch to enquire why she's still having acne at 40. Asked if it has anything to do with what she took. Gawd, who knows what she's been taking. Always so secretive. Maybe it's all due to those beauty potions that she's been brewing every week. Complained that those acne were leaving marks on her face, and the medications that she's been applying on her face doesnt seem to be effective at all.

Well, she can always treat her acne scars with acne laser treatment if she feel that nothing else works for her. Acne laser works fast and is very effective. Apart from treating her acne scars, she can have her skin smoothed out at the same time. All the more better for that vainpot like her.

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