Sunday, November 12, 2006

Termites infestation

Today, no time nor mood to post anything much. Lots to do. Unpacking lah, sorting lah, laundry lah, house cleaning lah, god know what else. The house is getting a new coat of paint, the windows getting new shades awnings, the roof is being repaired, blah, blah, blah...

In the midst of all the chaos, we found that the entire timber structure at the front portion of the house is termites infested..... AAARRRGGGHHH!! More unexpected workmen walking all over the place. Gotta get the whole facade removed and replaced with new structures, and the grilles installed by late evening.

Myself and both kids were locked up in the room whole day long as it's damn dirty outside. Dont want Gordon wandering onto the streets. It rained again in the evening and this time, the ceiling in my room leaked....sei mou. Hope it wont collapse on me.

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