Thursday, November 30, 2006

Proper diet and exercise helps to control cortisol levels

Most of the people i meet these days have one complaint in common. Stress. Stress from the hectic lifestyle they lead. Ferrying kids to and from school, skipping meals, rushing to meet assignments datelines, lack of sleep; all these contribute to stress. And stress is a silent killer.

According to government researchers, the link between stress, tension, and excess belly fat is known as the Metabolic Syndrome. High levels of cortisol (a stress induced hormone) cause pound after pound of excess body fat to accumulate around your waist and tummy..... a health-threatening, figure-destroying condition affecting many people, mostly women. The harmful combination of everyday stress, binge eating, and excess cortisol all contribute to keep you overweight, tired, and thick around the middle.

Proper diet and exercise can help control these excess cortisol levels, reduce belly fats and also helps balance hormone levels that cause stress-induced obesity and binge eating.

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