Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Malcolm and the nappy cloth

Malcolm's at this stage where he loves putting everything he can get his hands on into his mouth. So, i just give him a nappy cloth to play with and he's happy with that. Can play with it for more than 15 minutes at a time. I cannot find Gordon's old rattles and teether rings. Nevermind lah, the nappy will do for the time being.

He likes the baby gym too. But, i have to supervise him most of the time if i let him play with it on my bed. If not, his Kor-kor will tend to topple the whole thing on him and he'll cry of fright. Unless, i let him play inside the playpen. I wonder how long can he still sleep in there. I think until he starts grabbing and pull himself up, hoh.


Anonymous said...

nappy better than fingers, I should say. and better than munching on your family heirloom, too. *grin*

Samm said...

may - yup, easy to clean