Monday, November 06, 2006

"Like you loh", says MIL

Malcolm's cries were getting pretty loud and fierce. I was busy with Gordon, fixing the DVD outside at the living hall. I walked into the kitchen to put down the cups i brought in from the living hall. MIL was at the sink preparing dinner and:

Me: Wah, Ah Riq is fierce, hoh.

MIL: Like you loh. (Wah, this one ah, aitelyu... tone of voice damn sarcastic wann. Now go imagine daggers flying out of her mouth..)

Me: Good mah, if not, people will simply step over your head.

I walked back inside my bedroom to tend to my fierce baby.

MIL's most likely still holding a grudge against me for lashing out at her precious daughter recently. Abuthen, hoh.... diuuu...... who cares.


Anonymous said...

wakakakakakakaka!! you go, woman!! I lurve that answer!!

Samm said...

May - me also can be damn chim wannn. Taruh kaukau....