Here comes those dreaded mozzies
Rainy days are here to stay. It's wet everywhere. The mosquitoes are driven in by the rain. There are lots of them in the house. I've run out of Pyrethre, a kind of natural insects repellant. The supplier's no where to be found. I'm so gonna strangle him when he turns up later.

For those residing in Malaysia, i had a nasty experience when my second batch of order got RTSed back to Australia :(.... So, dont say you werent informed, hah. After that issue, the company has posted a notice on their website.
Go read up if you still wanna try your luck. But, honestly speaking, i think you shouldnt have any problem if it's only a bottle or two. I havent bought from them since then. I miss using their products, frankly speaking. It's not easy getting Certified Organic products these days.
For the time being, i'll be zapping those mozzies with my tried-and-tested made-in-china cannot-live-without electric mozzie bat. See how busy i am. Dont forget to stock up on Marmite, dear readers. Eat more of it, so that those darn mozzies dont insert their proboscis in you. Believe you me!!
What happened to Marmite?!!!!
we lost our 'badminton racquet'... sob sob!
lb - soli, i published wrong draft. Now updated with the Marmite info, lol.
may - next time, dun lah go buy 1 only. Me, i always buy at least 3 at 1 go, lolz.
I'm using Bug Mpzzie Clear. Can give it a try.
shoppingmum - where to get?
jason - i hv another in orange also and one more in mustard, lol
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