Beer Funnels Fun
Have you ever seen guys downing a glass of beer in less than a few seconds? Hubby did it once during a beer-drinking competition and he won. My, that was really fast. Up and down, all gone. I never knew he could drink like that.

If he were to use this Mega Beer Funnel, i wonder how fast he could drink? I dont mind pouring the beer down for him just to see him drink. That would be fun.

And he can also take the Double Beer Bong out with him for his beer sessions to have some fun with his friends too. I'm sure they're gonna have tons of fun competing with each other.
I'm sure once i tell him about this, he'll definitely ask me to go buy beer bongs for him.

If he were to use this Mega Beer Funnel, i wonder how fast he could drink? I dont mind pouring the beer down for him just to see him drink. That would be fun.

And he can also take the Double Beer Bong out with him for his beer sessions to have some fun with his friends too. I'm sure they're gonna have tons of fun competing with each other.
I'm sure once i tell him about this, he'll definitely ask me to go buy beer bongs for him.
Samm, beer bongs are fun. tried them during my drinking days and hammered pretty quick, too. Get one for your hubby and bet he will love it.
how to find here ah? mebbe shud order 1 from them, lol.
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