MIL's on strike today
Hit with sudden hunger pangs, what can one eat when MIL isnt cooking today? And i just had a large bowl of fried rice with eggs about an hour ago. Into the kitchen i went, and this is what i conjured up. Where are you, Gordon........

2) Cream Cheese 3) Kaya & Butter & 4) Rhubarb Conserve
Ahhhh, sinfully yours!!!!
Whack first....worry later!
Mana MIL ? On strike for higher pay? hehehe...
Kaya n butter is the best!
If u're stil on confinement..that'll be a great snack. Cocka Doodle is right..whack first! Hahaha
What Happened to Gordon and MIL?
cocka - not worried leh.... what's there to worry. not that i'll ever get fat whacking all that up.
KW - no lah, say head spinning woh..... so rest lorr.
sasha - i called Gordon to come share it with me. he loves the sweet jam. MIL resting
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