Friday, December 30, 2005

This was what happened on Wednesday and Thursday.

Ok, i admit, i've been lazy lately. Let me give you a belated update of what happened these two days. Why? Cant take a break meh? Year end woh...

I went to my mom's new house on Wednesday afternoon during Gordon's nap time to delivery a house-warming gift over and to eat some chau-fun and some tong-sui, and was told to return there at 7pm for dinner. Went home to take a short nap myself since i woke up at 5am that day. Woke up again at about 5pm and cleaned Gordon's highchair which is a tad too dusty. Washed the seat too.

Went over to my mom's place again at 7pm and gave Gordon his dinner before i had mine. Gordon had rice, soup and fish. Mom cooked up quite a storm for all of us despite the fact that both my parents are vegetarians. She made soup, chicken stewed with potatoes and onions, vegetables, fried eggs with french beans and choi-pou and fried fish. Went home at around 10pm.

Spent the rest of the night watching the idiot box with Gordon. Surprisingly, hubby came home early and wanted to go to the foodcourt for some food. I'm damn sian already with running about the whole day and declined the invitation. Made him some organic tomato noodles with garlic oil and a fried egg. Seeing him eat made me all hungry again and i went to the kitchen to make myself some chau-fan with lots of garlic and an egg.

Hah, you know what i did the whole of yesterday? I spent the whole day downloading online games and played non-stop. Can you imagine that? Siao eh? I downloaded from Msn and Realarcade. You know, those demo versions that lets you play for an hour leh; but you can continue playing that way past the 1hr limit provided you dont turn the program or the computer off. So, there i was, playing and playing and playing Zuma deluxe and Diner's Dash whole day long. Only pausing to go to the loo or to eat a piece of bread or two, lol.

I liked the games so much and called my best friend up to go to the pc games shop to buy them. It rained, we waited, but ended up having dinner with her family instead. She even brought me a huge bag of grapes and pears when she came to pick me up. Had one of the crappiest inorganic seafood dinner ever. Got home at about 9pm and ate some grapes with Gordon. Slept early last night.

Got up at 11am this morning. I'm going gai-gai again today. My best friend is over at my place now doing her colema therapy. Her daughter's here playing with Gordon....aaaaahhh, isnt it blissful. We'll go out once she's done. Gotta do lots of shopping today, tons of stuffs to buy. Blog more later, k. MUAKKSSSS!!!!


Lin Peh said...

Ok shop lagi the country GNP go up for another 1% lor. haha !

Anyway, Happy new year and gong xi fa chai !

Anonymous said...

I also just started playing online games...from yahoo mostly. Since my other half lives quite a distance from me, we play online games together...I like word racer and reversi. Jim tried to get me to learn chess....I still don't get it! LOL!

Helen said...

Wishing you and your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! lol

I'm getting frustrated with my DIgi internet line which is more irrational than me on a PMS!! I hope I can get Streamyx soon..... my area dun have telephone post!!

Happy shopping and gaming!! LOL

ZMM said...

Hubby wanted food court again? So fast gian the hand job again? Luckily you quickly cooked him something.. or else sure no strength to type liao.