NAH! If you want proof of that STUPID BIAWAK, here it is!!!
Let me tell you this. There are really many assholes out there eat-full-nothing-to-do. Remember the time when a biawak got into my sewage system and i had to call the fire brigade over to get rid of it. Even thought they went home empty-handed, they taught me to pour hot water to make the environment incondusive for it to stay on.
We later engaged a plumber over to have the sewage entrance sealed with wire netting to prevent the lil fella from getting in again. And made sure that all the manhole covers were secured firmly in place. And i still poured hot water down the toilet for double measure without fail everyday till i felt quite sure that it will not drop by again.
KNNCCB, you know what the fcuk happened a few days ago? Some confuckstipated-good-for-nothing-mothafucka-son-of-a-blardy-syphilitic-biatch came and stole the netting. Yess, i'm mad today. And when i'm mad, i cuss damn well. Oh, for fark's sake. It's only a small bit of wire. How much money can it call? Before this, they took the metal manhole covers. Fair enough those metal covers can get those morons quite a bit of dough. But wire netting? Why dont they just climb over the fence and take the remaining netting lying next to the wall instead? We've sinced replaced the metal manhole covers with concrete squares when those got stolen long ago.
And see what i found the other day. It's not funny. Some of you may think ah, "Wah, this woman, terror man. See that biawak, so calm and some more got time to go and take picture of it wan."

Ultimate Picture Of The Year, KNN
It was sleeping when i saw it. That's why i had time to go fetch my camera. And i definitely would have killed it if i had poured hot water over it then. If i pour hot water over it, i'm branded cruel and that karma thingy will start playing in my mind. And that happened in the middle of the night.... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!! Cilaka.
Why cant i just pee in peace? And when i called hubby to tell him about it, we got into a row as to why i did not pour hot water over it in the first place instead of taking one stewpid farking picture. I hate arguing over the phone. Especially in the middle of the night. Turns me into a pissed-off-insomniac after that, DIU! Got mood to blog some more meh, tell me. Next morning, he told me a neighbour saw two and caught the larger one. So, this must have been the one that got away. Why? Expect me to catch it and show them ah.
I did not blog about it the other day coz my new pc dont have camera driver installed. Cannot find the cd. And no card reader also. Only managed to download it last night. So, now you see and read about it lah. I think for this picture, maybe i should win the photographer of the year award, hoh. Ya, remember to vote me, ME, ME!!
Tell me ah, my dear dear readers. What would you have done ah in my place?
We later engaged a plumber over to have the sewage entrance sealed with wire netting to prevent the lil fella from getting in again. And made sure that all the manhole covers were secured firmly in place. And i still poured hot water down the toilet for double measure without fail everyday till i felt quite sure that it will not drop by again.
KNNCCB, you know what the fcuk happened a few days ago? Some confuckstipated-good-for-nothing-mothafucka-son-of-a-blardy-syphilitic-biatch came and stole the netting. Yess, i'm mad today. And when i'm mad, i cuss damn well. Oh, for fark's sake. It's only a small bit of wire. How much money can it call? Before this, they took the metal manhole covers. Fair enough those metal covers can get those morons quite a bit of dough. But wire netting? Why dont they just climb over the fence and take the remaining netting lying next to the wall instead? We've sinced replaced the metal manhole covers with concrete squares when those got stolen long ago.
And see what i found the other day. It's not funny. Some of you may think ah, "Wah, this woman, terror man. See that biawak, so calm and some more got time to go and take picture of it wan."

Ultimate Picture Of The Year, KNN
It was sleeping when i saw it. That's why i had time to go fetch my camera. And i definitely would have killed it if i had poured hot water over it then. If i pour hot water over it, i'm branded cruel and that karma thingy will start playing in my mind. And that happened in the middle of the night.... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!! Cilaka.
Why cant i just pee in peace? And when i called hubby to tell him about it, we got into a row as to why i did not pour hot water over it in the first place instead of taking one stewpid farking picture. I hate arguing over the phone. Especially in the middle of the night. Turns me into a pissed-off-insomniac after that, DIU! Got mood to blog some more meh, tell me. Next morning, he told me a neighbour saw two and caught the larger one. So, this must have been the one that got away. Why? Expect me to catch it and show them ah.
I did not blog about it the other day coz my new pc dont have camera driver installed. Cannot find the cd. And no card reader also. Only managed to download it last night. So, now you see and read about it lah. I think for this picture, maybe i should win the photographer of the year award, hoh. Ya, remember to vote me, ME, ME!!
Tell me ah, my dear dear readers. What would you have done ah in my place?
Aiks... Creepy sial... I wonder whats the connection between your toilet bowl and the biawak...
I think I might pour a kettle of just-boiled-hot-water on it. :D
I will take out my snake and pee at it ! it's hot also mah ! LOL
jason - cannot lah, might kill it u'know.
lin peh - come here, lin peh, i want a piccieof ur "hot snake" to put inside my toilet
oh shit. so scary. I will just freak out and dunno what to do! Definitely won't think of taking a photo.
In my neighbourhood, there are pythons. I haven't seen it for myself but my next door neighbour found one in the roof gutter. Another friend saw one in her garden on the next street.
As for the metal manhole covers, same thing happened in my street oso. real tns........
king's wife - that's wat hubby & i argued bout lor. if i din take that photo, then i wont get to blog on this ledi, right *sigh*
Samm... u cruel la, want to put my hot-snake into your toilet bowl. Hot-snake is to put into some other place wan la
Lin peh - ahh yess, silly me. never think properly simply write. put at the sewage entrance mah, hoh
One tip: Dry curry monitor lizard-pahhhwerrrr!!!! And allegedly an aphrodisiac too. So wife cook well, hubbie good in bed, no more arguments liao. LOL!!!
howsy - soli leh, vegetarian woh both of us....
Yer! PooiYi.. If next time, by any chance, I need to answer my nature calls when I'm visiting you, I'll make 110% sure that I won't go to your loo ah.. Hehe..
chenyeng87 - no worries, all chewren can use Gordon's potty, even ur ah ma's bum can fit one
GorJeeRaa ... as far as I can remember my childhood, that's how that Japanese behemoth first started. In the sewer ;-p Best do something abt it or it will nestle very nicely in ur potty for life.
if i ever get my hands on that fler who stole my netting, i'm so gonna tie him at the tree and put that biawak up his pants.
Oh gosh, I hope the biawak is a female and not a lesbian. I sure dunwan to go to your place, wanna pee-pee and kena rape by a biawak. LOL.
Hey, this is too difficult to decide. I think I would take pikchures because this is blogging material mah. And I dun think I can kill a poor little, cutie, sweetie cicak like that. Anyway, you got ready with boiling water meh? So, dun tiu, camera is my choice too.
Samm, dun kill cute biawak lar... I got 1 living in my garden and I've been watching it grow from a small baby till now... an averaged size monster. I am fond of him.... lol
Try to catch him and throw him out. I know it's hard, but, it's better than killing the poor helpless fellow. I bet if ppl did not destroy their natural habitat, it wouldn't need to live inside a toilet bowl. Both of you are victims of circumstances... let's learn to love one
by the time you boil water, the biawak probably lari oredi! I don't think one pot is enough to kill the bugger especially with the thick skin and all.
Hmm....can't they somehow pump everything out from your toilet and someone stand outside at the longkang so can trap the biawak, weld some new wire netting, and thus solve the biawak problem?
Come to think about it, Lin Peh may just Ta-Fei-Kei and shoot the biawak ! Like that it will sure die ! That's what all my chics told me that's why never get a chance to CIM when doing it even tho I dying for it la ! Any offer ?
Samm, you're such a brave woman. If I ever see that, I would panic a little, but I seriously think that taking the picture was a wise idea. It's a solid evidence tell everyone how scarry it is! Oh my ...
I hope that creature doesn't harm you all, especially your son. Aiyo ... I'm terrified here already.
Also, the whoever who steal your wire netting, sigh. May this case get settled well real soon.
biawak in ur bowl ? how to do business in peace.
I had a 'runway' many years back. ran over my face while i was sleeping (slept on floor mah). It hid behind the cupboard. I poured hot water to flush him out but failed. Later i tried ala croc hunter style a loop to strap his feet. Loaded him inot a box and dump him off some semak.
err din pass to someone else to make curry ?
5xMom - "Raped by biawak" now that's what i call a blogworthy pic, hahaha. All we bloggers seems to be afflicted by the same illness called "Quick, where's my camera syndrome"
Helen - Gimme address, i want to send him over to live in ur garden.
Simmie - Did all that b4, but some ppl will just cut away those that's not welded. *sigh*
Lin Peh - Come come come. Come here, Lin Peh, This is even more blogworthy that Lilian getting raped by biawak. I'll take picchure of Lilian getting raped first, then u shoot the fler for me, k.
Greenapple - Ya, man. One bite from that fler, and u'd be getting anti-biotic jabs all over ur bum.
anon - that's what hubby says, had to look down the bowl every 5 secs or so.
Samm...ON ! Just leave me your contact and I will be there performing the stunt for u ! But close up shot on on face ok ? LOL !
Lin Peh - u have my word, ur utmost anonymity shall therefore be preserved. But first ah, get lilian to agree on the former, hahaha. Lilian,.... Lin Peh wants to strike a deal with you..............
Don't worry.... I will wear mask ! (wah......getting more kinky la)
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