Monday, November 14, 2005

Crank that Insurance Telemarketer.

The phone rang a couple of times twice and went dead just as i picked it up. I was washing my pretty face mah. One look at the caller id and i already know who called. I hate "private numbers". They only mean one thing, chatty Telemarketers from "you dont know where i am calling from so that u cant call back to complain/fark me".

The caller called my house office line and my niece answered. Didnt know who the heck the caller asked for and handed the phone over to my hubby who was nearby. See, her pitifully brainless mom never even told her what my name is. Heck, i dont think her mom even knows it. *Makes mental note to teach Gordon name of every relative/family member no matter how insignificant they are. Reflects on his upbringing* Maybe next time if i ever answer any phonecall that asks for "other" relatives/family members who arent living with us, i should just pretend to not know them and slam the phone down. Ditto for their letters that end up in the mailbox.

Aaah, it's Ammb. They finally got the drift and sent some fast-speaking cantonese-speaking girl to call me up this time. In fact, too fast-speaking for my liking. A strict no-no in business. She enquired if it's a good time to talk and i gave her exactly 2 minutes to whore her service. Gawd, she is so well trained that it's a shame that she did not get listed in the "Guinese Book Of World Records" for the fastest speaking telemarketer category. I stopped her when her 2 minutes is up after knowing for sure that it's got nothing to do with fraudulent use of my credit card.

She's whoring one of those Insurance packages again, what else. I thanked her and told her nicely that my ENTIRE family is already substantially insured. My brother-in-law is an insurance salesman and so's my brother. And that i dont do purchases over the phone, period. She still didnt give up and said that i should buy a second policy and that her company will also reimburse that on top of the ones that i'll claim should there be an accident. Choy, choy, choy.

She then asked me how much i'm insured for, what kind of investment plans i have, blah, blah, blah for company records. Fark, like hell i'm gonna divulge information like that. She's really getting onto my nerves with her non-stop highly-pressurised sales-oriented barrage of questions. So, i asked her if she's married and she said yes. I also enquired nicely whether if both she and her hubby is already insured and she also said yes. I then launch into my well-prepared speech on why they should buy my Funeral Service Packages and that it would beautifully complement all insurance packages that they've already bought.... blah, blah, blah.

She got the message and thanked me for my time. So, now you know what to do apart from slamming the phone down on them.


Helen said...

I know how it feels to be ambushed by these ppl who don't know when to quit. They are really irritating and did u really told her about the funeral service thing???!! You DIDN't!! LOL...

Samm said...

Well, it seems to be the only way to get them to hang up pronto. Why, you want to listen to my professional sales pitch ah, hehehe. Moreover, I dont like slamming the phone down on others. Rude mah.

Howsy said...

Hey...I also worked as a telemarketer before you know...give them some chance lar...listen to 10 seconds what they have to say and then bid them farewell. LOL! BTW, based on my previous experience, telemarketers like to target those 'rich' areas such as Tmn xxx...and the telephone directory IS the main source of those numbers. :P

Anonymous said...

normally i give them chance lah. listen for 2 minutes and then tell them nicely that i need time to ponder it over. after all they are also earning a living mah.

if they get downright irritating or if i'm busy, i will just tell them that i'm rushing off for a meeting and that i will call them back if I'm interested and then just pretend to take down their number lor. and finally warn them NOT to call back this line as this is for official use, in other words "don't call me, i'll call you". hehehe. they seem to get the message most of the time. the key is to be firm with them. hey i already gave you chance to do your sales pitch and even took down your number so you have done your job. it's only fair if you comply also to my wishes right ?

sengkor said...

wah.. funeral packages.., wicked but funny.. *salute*

Samm said...

howsy - well, i gave here 2 minutes

arkane - she was getting a bit pushy and sometimes, i do this for the fun of it. no bad intentions though.

seng kor - still selling mah. i'm sure u've heard of all this pre-funeral planning services, rite?

King's wife said...

for you to out-talk her, your cantonese must be pretty terror also..

Samm said...

King's wife - aaahhh, practise makes perfect.