And Xiaxue thinks her KL trip sucked??....... READ THIS AND TELL ME!!
I got back yesterday morning at 2am. Didnt wake up till 11am. By then, hubby's already disappeared. So, no breakfast. But then, he bought me a packet of Kai Si Hor Fun when he came back during lunchtime; just when i was about to cook myself some lunch. See, nice hubby i have here, hor.
Most of the unpacking was completed after lunch. And that's a lot of unpacking. Not shopping stuff, but mostly work related stuffs. Dont feel like blogging anymore after that. Dead tired. And with a very clingy and cranky Gordon tugging at my hair, shirt and pants; and shoving his shoes into my face all the time (thinks he's still in KL, i guess) .... thank you very much. It's shutdown time.
This trip to KL is like the usual business cum shopping fair. Hubby does all the work whilst i shopped. Was supposed to go to KL this Monday but dear hubby came back last Friday night saying we are to leave the next day. Didnt even get the chance to pack as he yanked me out for a drink and business discussion. As usual, Gordon slept in the stroller whenever he comes out with us at night. By the time we got back, it's already bout 1am. And we still had to remove a lot of things from the car like Gordon's carseat, stroller and bla, bla, bla...

Sleeping at the food court
We couldnt leave early on Saturday morning as his mom needed the car to attend her younger brother's funeral. Another lung cancer victim. That's why we had to remove every large item from the car. She had to ferry people around in the car. They all dont have car one ah??
I started packing as soon as i woke up at about 9am. Halfway through packing, hubby got a phonecall from his dad who was practically zonked out of his head. Well, dormicum and beer do not go hand in hand, k. He was yelling over the phone as to why hubby did not respond to the demise of his uncle. It was like he thought he's the one who died instead. Heck!! Like his uncle dont have children attending his funeral or what??
So, hubby was very pissed off already. It's not the first time hubby was screamed at for nothing, y'know. Happens a lot. And since we are the only other living beings staying there, hubby gets the flak most of the time. Usually, he'll just get out of the house. But, dont forget that i'm still halfway packing and the car's not back yet. So, hubby was walking around with a VERY black face indeed. I can see fumes coming out of his ears already by then. Who wouldnt be?
By the time we got the car back, it's already about noon. After we shoved everything into the car, luggage, carseat and all; quickly cabut. Finally able to get away.... yess! And you'd think we'd be happy and smiling now that all the bad things are behind us, right? WRONG!!
Halfway to the toll, i realised that "we've" forgotten to take Gordon's stroller.... AAAAAAARRRGGGH!! Eh, not my sole responsibility, ok. You do forget things when you're in a hurry, y'know. And hubby's reluctant to turn back and pick it up. Bad mood and all, i got a fair share of the flak also. Being the "smart and patient" one, i'd better not argue with him about it. I knew then that this trip is gonna be an awful one. What a fantastic way to the start of a trip.

Gordon happily entertaining himself on the way to KL
Anyway, we finally arrived at the hotel at 4.30pm. Had a short rest, gave hubby some TLC and went out for an early dinner at 5.30pm and took Gordon shopping nearby as hubby had to attend a meeting later on that night. Moreover, Gordon's out of milk powder and i'm definitely out of production. Had to go buy some anyway.
Went out for another round of dinner with Gordon's uncle and aunt at 8.30pm. Havent seen them for quite some time. Came back at about 10pm, and still had to listen to his uncle explaining Gordon's insurance policy to me for another 30 minutes.
Hubby came back at 11.30pm and dragged me out again for a drink. Out with a VERY sleepy toddler without a stroller, it's quite a nightmare; as expected. Back at the hotel at last at 1.30am. Everyone fell asleep as soon as they hit the bed except me, all stressed out and wide-eyed, SHIT!!

Supper at 12am: Papa singing Rock-A-Bye-Baby
I was dragged out of bed at 9am sharp. Why?????? For God's sake it's SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because hubby wanted to go downstairs for breakfast and he cant manage Gordon without the stroller. SEEEE!! Who wouldnt turn back to pick it up in the first place???
After breakfast, all i wanted to do was to stay in the room the whole day. So, he went out the entire day with his brother. I took Gordon out for a walk around the hotel after his nap and had dinner at a restaurant nearby. I'm not going anywhere without a stroller, no way. Thank god i brought along the Doodle Pro to keep him busy. Sanity check 1. Only went to bed at 1am because hubby didnt take the key and i had to wait for him to come back.

Budding artist at work??

Stuck!! Gap too wide....
Was yanked out of bed again at 9am the next day because there's work to be done and after breakfast, decided to check out of the hotel instead of having to come back and get the luggage at 2pm. It's gonna be a busy Monday for hubby.
Left the hotel at 12pm and went to hubby's office at Jln Kuchai Lama to collect some items and a short meeting. Had lunch at a nearby coffee-shop. He had to hurry for another meeting back at the Jln Yap Kwan Seng office. No way am i sitting around in his office whilst he attend his meeting. It's not nice for a wife to hang around hubby's office with an about-to-be-cranky toddler. I bet u he'll tear the place down without the stroller. I asked him to drop me off at Avenue K instead as i wanted to go to the new Toys R Us outlet to pick up this item for his birthday. I found it and was supposed to buy it just before hubby come pick us up.
Gordon was very happy at Toys R Us. Who wouldnt be, hor. Exploring and playing with everything from aisle to aisle. I found some Cabinet & Drawer Latches and nightmare started when i was paying for it. Gordon kept running out of the shop to the escalator and wanted to go upstairs. We were at Level 2. Most of the escalators are not working as 85% of Avenue K is vacant. With renovations going on and escalators being tested out, i shudder to think what will happen should he ever fall off one.

Toys R Us 1 - testing out new toy

Toys R Us 2 - laughing all the time
Gordon started crying and yelling as he's very sleepy already and couldnt get his way. What more when he's on the loose. He's alright in a stroller since i can just tilt it up and let him sleep in it. There's no place to even sit down for a cup of tea at Avenue K.... blardy hell. What kinda place is this?? Try imagining his crying "echoing" throughout the place. And you think HORROR MOVIES only happen on TVs. Wrong!! It's LIVE at Avenue K and KLCC!!
I had to carry a screaming toddler, walking all the way to KLCC with everyone staring at me. I cant put him down to walk by himself because all he wanted to do was to run back to the escalators or lie down on the floor crying. Thank god i had on Nike Air shoes that day.... if not, die faster.
I took him to Dome, hoping that that'll keep him happy for a while and he can nap there also. But he doesnt fancy the idea. Still crying, i carried him to Mothercare on Level 2 and bought him a new stroller. My darling's already asleep by the time i hit the cashier counter. Sanity check 2 for RM259. Name of the stroller - Cheeky Monkey!! On purpose or what??

Sleeping in new stroller at KLCC

Sanity bill
On the way down the escalator to the Concourse level, you know what i saw???? I could have loaned a stroller from the Information Counter. FREE OF CHARGE for the first two hours and RM10/hr thereafter.... with a deposit of RM50- KNNCCB!!! And hubby also chose that particular moment to call up and say not shop too much as we have to take a lot of stuff from the KL office back to Ipoh.

Awake and blur... still at KLCC
You tell me, where got mood to shop somemore?? All the handbags, shoes and designer clothes suddenly lost their appeal that day. Legs and back aching like fcuk already!! Forget about picking up the UFO from Toys R Us. No more birthday present for Gordon this year. Make do with the stroller lah.
Moreover, we still have to stop by IKEA to buy more bulky work related items back. We should have driven a lorry down instead.
And if there are organic cranberry juice suppliers out there reading this right now, let me tell you this. The whole of Ipoh is out of cranberry juice, organic and non. And all organic retailers are saying that you suppliers got no stock. Better go replenish your stock. I had to lug bottles of organic cranberry juice all the way from Justlife back to Ipoh. If i ever get UTI because there's no organic cranberry juice available in Ipoh, i'll sabo all your drinks.
Therefore, all mommies with wailing toddlers (below 2 yrs old) sans stroller at KLCC, you can loan one from the Information Counter. And very nice ones too.... like McLarens.
Hubby just informed me that he'll be going down again maybe this weekend.... leave me out of it. With all the before-during-after nightmare still haunting me, no thank you.
So, you tell me whether my KL trip sucked or not??
Most of the unpacking was completed after lunch. And that's a lot of unpacking. Not shopping stuff, but mostly work related stuffs. Dont feel like blogging anymore after that. Dead tired. And with a very clingy and cranky Gordon tugging at my hair, shirt and pants; and shoving his shoes into my face all the time (thinks he's still in KL, i guess) .... thank you very much. It's shutdown time.
This trip to KL is like the usual business cum shopping fair. Hubby does all the work whilst i shopped. Was supposed to go to KL this Monday but dear hubby came back last Friday night saying we are to leave the next day. Didnt even get the chance to pack as he yanked me out for a drink and business discussion. As usual, Gordon slept in the stroller whenever he comes out with us at night. By the time we got back, it's already bout 1am. And we still had to remove a lot of things from the car like Gordon's carseat, stroller and bla, bla, bla...

Sleeping at the food court
We couldnt leave early on Saturday morning as his mom needed the car to attend her younger brother's funeral. Another lung cancer victim. That's why we had to remove every large item from the car. She had to ferry people around in the car. They all dont have car one ah??
I started packing as soon as i woke up at about 9am. Halfway through packing, hubby got a phonecall from his dad who was practically zonked out of his head. Well, dormicum and beer do not go hand in hand, k. He was yelling over the phone as to why hubby did not respond to the demise of his uncle. It was like he thought he's the one who died instead. Heck!! Like his uncle dont have children attending his funeral or what??
So, hubby was very pissed off already. It's not the first time hubby was screamed at for nothing, y'know. Happens a lot. And since we are the only other living beings staying there, hubby gets the flak most of the time. Usually, he'll just get out of the house. But, dont forget that i'm still halfway packing and the car's not back yet. So, hubby was walking around with a VERY black face indeed. I can see fumes coming out of his ears already by then. Who wouldnt be?
By the time we got the car back, it's already about noon. After we shoved everything into the car, luggage, carseat and all; quickly cabut. Finally able to get away.... yess! And you'd think we'd be happy and smiling now that all the bad things are behind us, right? WRONG!!
Halfway to the toll, i realised that "we've" forgotten to take Gordon's stroller.... AAAAAAARRRGGGH!! Eh, not my sole responsibility, ok. You do forget things when you're in a hurry, y'know. And hubby's reluctant to turn back and pick it up. Bad mood and all, i got a fair share of the flak also. Being the "smart and patient" one, i'd better not argue with him about it. I knew then that this trip is gonna be an awful one. What a fantastic way to the start of a trip.

Gordon happily entertaining himself on the way to KL
Anyway, we finally arrived at the hotel at 4.30pm. Had a short rest, gave hubby some TLC and went out for an early dinner at 5.30pm and took Gordon shopping nearby as hubby had to attend a meeting later on that night. Moreover, Gordon's out of milk powder and i'm definitely out of production. Had to go buy some anyway.
Went out for another round of dinner with Gordon's uncle and aunt at 8.30pm. Havent seen them for quite some time. Came back at about 10pm, and still had to listen to his uncle explaining Gordon's insurance policy to me for another 30 minutes.
Hubby came back at 11.30pm and dragged me out again for a drink. Out with a VERY sleepy toddler without a stroller, it's quite a nightmare; as expected. Back at the hotel at last at 1.30am. Everyone fell asleep as soon as they hit the bed except me, all stressed out and wide-eyed, SHIT!!

Supper at 12am: Papa singing Rock-A-Bye-Baby
I was dragged out of bed at 9am sharp. Why?????? For God's sake it's SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because hubby wanted to go downstairs for breakfast and he cant manage Gordon without the stroller. SEEEE!! Who wouldnt turn back to pick it up in the first place???
After breakfast, all i wanted to do was to stay in the room the whole day. So, he went out the entire day with his brother. I took Gordon out for a walk around the hotel after his nap and had dinner at a restaurant nearby. I'm not going anywhere without a stroller, no way. Thank god i brought along the Doodle Pro to keep him busy. Sanity check 1. Only went to bed at 1am because hubby didnt take the key and i had to wait for him to come back.

Budding artist at work??

Stuck!! Gap too wide....
Was yanked out of bed again at 9am the next day because there's work to be done and after breakfast, decided to check out of the hotel instead of having to come back and get the luggage at 2pm. It's gonna be a busy Monday for hubby.

Gordon was very happy at Toys R Us. Who wouldnt be, hor. Exploring and playing with everything from aisle to aisle. I found some Cabinet & Drawer Latches and nightmare started when i was paying for it. Gordon kept running out of the shop to the escalator and wanted to go upstairs. We were at Level 2. Most of the escalators are not working as 85% of Avenue K is vacant. With renovations going on and escalators being tested out, i shudder to think what will happen should he ever fall off one.

Toys R Us 1 - testing out new toy

Toys R Us 2 - laughing all the time
Gordon started crying and yelling as he's very sleepy already and couldnt get his way. What more when he's on the loose. He's alright in a stroller since i can just tilt it up and let him sleep in it. There's no place to even sit down for a cup of tea at Avenue K.... blardy hell. What kinda place is this?? Try imagining his crying "echoing" throughout the place. And you think HORROR MOVIES only happen on TVs. Wrong!! It's LIVE at Avenue K and KLCC!!
I had to carry a screaming toddler, walking all the way to KLCC with everyone staring at me. I cant put him down to walk by himself because all he wanted to do was to run back to the escalators or lie down on the floor crying. Thank god i had on Nike Air shoes that day.... if not, die faster.
I took him to Dome, hoping that that'll keep him happy for a while and he can nap there also. But he doesnt fancy the idea. Still crying, i carried him to Mothercare on Level 2 and bought him a new stroller. My darling's already asleep by the time i hit the cashier counter. Sanity check 2 for RM259. Name of the stroller - Cheeky Monkey!! On purpose or what??

Sleeping in new stroller at KLCC

Sanity bill
On the way down the escalator to the Concourse level, you know what i saw???? I could have loaned a stroller from the Information Counter. FREE OF CHARGE for the first two hours and RM10/hr thereafter.... with a deposit of RM50- KNNCCB!!! And hubby also chose that particular moment to call up and say not shop too much as we have to take a lot of stuff from the KL office back to Ipoh.

Awake and blur... still at KLCC
You tell me, where got mood to shop somemore?? All the handbags, shoes and designer clothes suddenly lost their appeal that day. Legs and back aching like fcuk already!! Forget about picking up the UFO from Toys R Us. No more birthday present for Gordon this year. Make do with the stroller lah.
Moreover, we still have to stop by IKEA to buy more bulky work related items back. We should have driven a lorry down instead.
And if there are organic cranberry juice suppliers out there reading this right now, let me tell you this. The whole of Ipoh is out of cranberry juice, organic and non. And all organic retailers are saying that you suppliers got no stock. Better go replenish your stock. I had to lug bottles of organic cranberry juice all the way from Justlife back to Ipoh. If i ever get UTI because there's no organic cranberry juice available in Ipoh, i'll sabo all your drinks.
Therefore, all mommies with wailing toddlers (below 2 yrs old) sans stroller at KLCC, you can loan one from the Information Counter. And very nice ones too.... like McLarens.
Hubby just informed me that he'll be going down again maybe this weekend.... leave me out of it. With all the before-during-after nightmare still haunting me, no thank you.
So, you tell me whether my KL trip sucked or not??
LOL...LOL.. What a great story...
My favorite picture and part of story: "Awake and blur... still at KLCC"
..."No more birthday present"...
Great story!
mensa - got, Cheeky Monkey stroller...
The Storller-Story.
Should be an epic but your story-telling is superb! ;)
mob1900 - yeah, i'll turn it into a film soon, lol. it'll make a good horror story for moms-to-be.
lobak - arent i just lucky??
yr hubby must be grinning. u did not burn a big hole in the credit card and yr shopping spree did not materelise.
just a note, strollers are on rental too over at midvalley mega mall and 1Utama. hope u'll hv a better trip next time ;)
ipoh - yeah, rub it in somemore
babe - thx, i'll remember. but i'll definitely never leave home w/o the stroller again....
poor thing you. At least you got to go to the Justlife store!
It looks like a very nice stroller at any rate.
missm - ya, at least i get my organic cranberry juice. and mothercare products are of very good quality, no doubt.
sounds like you had a heck of a time in must be relieved to be home!
if you're ever in KL/PJ area again, I bring you eat organic food. My aunt owns a shop in Damansara Jaya...
simmie - ya man, next time, i'll stay at cititel mid valley. hubby can go to his offices and i can shop till i drop. and yes, i fancy that organic restaurant idea very much.... hmmmm, i like....
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