Would you do this?
Good neighbours are especially hard to come by, and sometimes, they prove to be the neighbourhood's nightmare.

Poor tree opposite my house
Look at this tree. Dont you feel sorry for it. Its nightmare started a couple of years ago when a new family moved into our usually quiet neighbourhood. It used to provide shade for the lil children playing happily in the field.
Ever since this family moved here, this poor tree has been subjected to repeated acts of cruelty. Take a close look at its trunk, all darkened and with a great portion of its bark protecting it gone.
This moronic idiot conducts open burning nearly every week at the foot of this tree and yet, no one dared to complain. The entire neighbourhood had to bear with the smoke; even at the expense of their health.
I once asked my next door neighbour whether had anyone told him off before and you know what, he asked me to go and tell him because he doesnt want to cause any trouble. He told me that someone once got threatened when he went and reprimanded him over his inconsiderate act. That statement irked me so much.
I feel like tying him to the tree and burning him alive.
Dont the people living here care for the environment? I guess not. Dont they know that open burning creates a lot of airborned-particulate-matter that can be detrimental to our health? Many children play in the field every evening. And they can be breathing in all this polluted air that can lead to asthma and breathing difficulties. I'm concerned of my son's health too.
There hasnt been anymore burning episodes for the past two months since I put a stop to it. I feel much better now that everyone gets clean air to breathe again; especially the neighbourhood's children.

Poor tree opposite my house
Look at this tree. Dont you feel sorry for it. Its nightmare started a couple of years ago when a new family moved into our usually quiet neighbourhood. It used to provide shade for the lil children playing happily in the field.
Ever since this family moved here, this poor tree has been subjected to repeated acts of cruelty. Take a close look at its trunk, all darkened and with a great portion of its bark protecting it gone.
This moronic idiot conducts open burning nearly every week at the foot of this tree and yet, no one dared to complain. The entire neighbourhood had to bear with the smoke; even at the expense of their health.
I once asked my next door neighbour whether had anyone told him off before and you know what, he asked me to go and tell him because he doesnt want to cause any trouble. He told me that someone once got threatened when he went and reprimanded him over his inconsiderate act. That statement irked me so much.
I feel like tying him to the tree and burning him alive.
Dont the people living here care for the environment? I guess not. Dont they know that open burning creates a lot of airborned-particulate-matter that can be detrimental to our health? Many children play in the field every evening. And they can be breathing in all this polluted air that can lead to asthma and breathing difficulties. I'm concerned of my son's health too.
There hasnt been anymore burning episodes for the past two months since I put a stop to it. I feel much better now that everyone gets clean air to breathe again; especially the neighbourhood's children.
In my place it's forbidden to make fire. If you want to make fire, you have to move outside of the place.
Open burning is a definite no-no. Everyone suffers just because of one man's inconsiderate act.
Open burning is against govt regulations. You can actually report him to... Cityhall is it? or DBKL... umm not sure. but someone!
poor tree :( But at least he's not getting chopped down like the ones next door to me!
IB - it is against regulations. reported him to the Dept Of Environment.
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