Monday, August 22, 2005

My sis is undergoing Myomectomy today.

She asked me a couple of days ago how my Caesarean childbirth was. She wanted to know whether to go for a half-body numbing session, or get knocked out completely. I asked her what's there to see, unlike childbirth where you get to see your baby once he's out. She's had 3 children the all natural way. Contemplated a while and decided on getting completely knocked out instead.

Myomectomy is a procedure in which uterine fibroids are surgically removed from the uterus. My sis will be undergoing the abdominal type due to the size of her fibroid which is about 7cm big; about the size of a clenched fist. The surgeon will make an incision on her bikini line to remove the fibroid.

She's had her appendicts removed before so she's aware of the pain involved. Well, her pain threshold is rather low, so she'll be groaning more. Healing will take a few weeks. She's getting 6 weeks off from work.

I just boiled some dates water to take to the hospital during Gordon's nap time. How nice of me. It's gonna take about 2 to 3 hours. My brother-in-law is at the hospital accompanying her now. I must remember to bring along some kaypoh magazines to help ease her boredom. She'll be there for about 3 days. I'll be going there alone since mom cant go with me.


disco-very said...

man! sounds a little unpleasant...
hope your sis gets well soon!

MissM said...

Ouch! I hope your sis is ok. Fibroids seem to be quite common nowadays - I have another friend who had them.

Make sure you get her some nice cloth pads for when she gets out.

Samm said...

disco-very - ya, i hope she wont groan so much.

MissM - Ya, man, n i'll be giving her the Mc if i'm the winning bidder. See, i'm really nice, aren't i, hehe.

MissM said...

Yes, of course, would want a sis like you!

But FYI should not use the mooncup / any intravaginal instrument at least 6 weeks after anything unusual going on in that area (like giving birth or having an IUD installed).